Thank you for everyone hanging in there this week and getting online! It was a tough week with 1000’s of emails, phone calls, Google Hangouts, and Google Classroom interactions. I have almost all of my 4 subject classes and 80ish students online and working.

One thing that I am missing is the interaction with the students to tell them what I need/missing from them. They are all using Google Classroom for other subjects so I am going to require that all are logged on to the Google Classroom for math. A majority of you already are so this is not a problem. This way I can make announcements and tell them what they are missing for the week without inundating parent emails.
6th Math Google Classroom Code: ulrosaq
7th Math Google Classroom Code: cjlk7kx
8th Math Google Classroom Code: g6j44db
Algebra Google Classroom Code: xyzfmw5

If at all possible, please encourage your child to use instead of handing in papers over email...they get one or two chances at the bottom of each question, online tutors, and help videos within each assignment and it is immediate feedback. I WANT/NEED them to be working the problems on paper before entering answers and not guessing. I WANT/NEED them to be going through the lessons in the upper left hand corner (textbook), skipping past warm ups is fine, and watching the videos I post as that is the “teaching” part of my lessons. If you like to work with your child, you can still enter it into bigideasmath as each problem is the same as the book assignment.

Google Hangouts is the fastest way to get help rather than emailing a picture as I found it takes several minutes for the problem to download. If you are afraid of me seeing chaos in the background- your child can turn off the camera so they can see me and hear me and I can just hear them.

Reminder that attendance is taken per class period- if you have logged on and communicated with me AND started/completed your work, you are considered present for the week. Despite rumors to the contrary, we are grading work. Of course, all learning environments and conditions are taken into account. This is all new to all of us.

Mrs. Liebig has google hangouts or phone call and is available for questions also, her email is