LESSON PLANS for March 23-27

Mrs. Kim Olson

6-8th Math








6th Grade Math


I need you to get your computer online information all ready and organized today so that you know what it is we are doing.  Please read the "Online Learning Information" and log on to the ways that you will be using.  Then email me what you are going to be using or respond in google classroom. This is a grade. All lessons are due by Saturday at midnight. Lesson 8.4- Go to www.bigideasmath.com  and find lesson 8.4 in dynamic classroom or your textbook to Lesson 8.4 page 364.  Read through the lesson and look at all the examples. You will be finding and comparing absolute values.
Look for Lesson 8.4 in the assignment section on your dashboard in big ideas and submit lesson or complete lesson page 367, 14-44 evens and scan it or take a picture and send it to me.

Google Classroom ID:
Take online
Quiz 8.1-8.4 in www.bigideasmath.com
If you do not have access to the internet, please notify me and I will send you a scanned copy of the quiz or look in the google classroom for a copy of the quiz to use.
 Lesson 8.5 -Watch
Youtube video- Coordinate Plane and plotting points by Mathodman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r16I6LB2YbQ&t=226s

Youtube song -Coordinate Plane Song by Number Rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O12C9EcdFo

These links will be in Google classroom too. Please respond via email or  google classroom 5 things you learned about coordinate plane and plotting points.

Lesson 8.5- Play the games below today online or get out your Battle ship Game or make a battleship game to play with your family.  After you play the games, please respond to Mrs. Olson in 5 sentences or more what you liked or disliked about the games and what you learned about coordinate points.

Math Games on Coordinate Plane
Locate the Aliens https://www.mathplayground.com/locate_aliens.html

Space Graph https://www.mathplayground.com/space_graph.html

Game Over Gopher https://mathsnacks.com/game-over-gopher.html


7th Grade Math


 I need you to get your computer online information all ready and organized today so that you know what it is we are doing.  Please read the "Online Learning Information" and log on to the ways that you will be using.  Then email me what you are going to be using or respond in google classroom. This is a grade. All lessons are due by Saturday at midnight. Lesson 9.2
 Go to www.bigideasmath.com and find lesson 9.2 in dynamic classroom or your textbook to Lesson 9.2 page 370.  Read through the lesson and look at all the examples. You will be finding the area of a circle and semi-circle.
Look for Lesson 9.2 in the assignment section on the dashboard on big ideas and submit lesson or complete lesson page 373, 7-22 and scan it or take a picture and send it to me through email or Google classroom.

Google Classroom ID:
Lesson 9.3- watch the video about perimeter and area of composite figures.

Go to bigideasmath and go through lesson 9.3 or in your textbook working through the examples along the way.

Send an email or response in google classroom in 5 sentences or more about what is a composite figures and how do you find perimeter and area of a composite figure.
Lesson 9.3 - Go to www.bigideasmath.com and find Lesson 9.3 in the assignment section of the dashboard and submit the lesson or go to page 379, 9-18 and email your assignment. Quiz 9.1-9.3- take online at www.bigideasmath.com and submit.

If you can not take the quiz online, please contact me for a scanned copy or look in google classroom for a version of the quiz.


8th Grade Math


 I need you to get your computer online information all ready and organized today so that you know what it is we are doing.  Please read the "Online Learning Information" and log on to the ways that you will be using.  Then email me what you are going to be using or respond in google classroom. This is a grade. All lessons are due by Saturday at midnight. Lesson 8.6- Go to www.bigideasmath.com and find Lesson 8.6 on writing numbers in scientific notation and standard form or go to your textbook page 350 and read and work through the examples. Find assignment Lesson 8.6 and submit or do page 353, 10-34 in textbook and email it to me.

Google classroom id:
Lesson 8.7- Go to www.bigideasmath.com and find Lesson 8.7 on Adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing in scientific notation or go to textbook page 356 and read and work through the examples.  Find assignment Lesson 8.7 and submit or do textbook page 359, 8-28 and email it to me.  Lesson 8.6-8.7
Watch the following videos and review for you quiz. List at least 5 things that made more sense after watching the videos.






Quiz 8.5-8.7-  Take the quiz on www.bigideasmath.com and submit.  If you need a hard copy please email me so that I can get one to you.

Due Monday.


Algebra I


 I need you to get your computer online information all ready and organized today so that you know what it is we are doing.  Please read the "Online Learning Information" and log on to the ways that you will be using.  Then email me what you are going to be using or respond in google classroom. This is a grade. All lessons are due by Saturday at midnight. Using your textbook or online www.bigideasmath.com, go to End of Chapter in Chapter 8  Complete review page 470, 2-30 evens.  Please submit a written copy via email by scan or picture if you do not use the online version.

Page 470, odds is online at www.bigideasmath.com with tutor help is NOT an assignment but is available to do for extra credit.

Google Classroom ID:
Using your textbook or online www.bigideasmath.com, complete page 473, 1-9, 15.  Please submit or email a written copy.

Call Mrs. Olson via Google Hangouts for any questions that you may have.
Please take the test online for Chapter 8 online at www.bigideasmath.com or in google classroom.  This test is not available until Wednesday at 8 am.  If you need a written version, please contact Mrs. Olson. Finish the test.  Turn in all homework.  We will begin the next chapter - Chapter 9.  If you have time, start looking at Lesson 9.1. Your public school friends are ahead of us so they videos online too.  If we have to, we will create a time of day where we meet to discuss assignments.
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